Climates: a friendly network where people help each other tackle climate change. Meet new mates, get ideas for simple and effective things to do. Pledge to take action and watch your carbon savings grow. fbq('track', 'Join');

Everyday actions have a significant impact on the environment. 

Food causes 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is a great place to start cutting your carbon and helping the climate.

Check out all the foodie actions, make your pledges and watch your carbon savings grow. 

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Cook a Climatarian dinner for your friends and see how easy it is to be climate friendly. Join in Climatarian Week 3-9 July 2017.
Choose a local organic draught ale and drink a toast to the health of the climate.
We are keen on our carry-out coffees, our take-away salads and soups but we don’t stop to think of all the additional waste that’s being created.
The easiest way for people to help limit climate change is with everyday food choices. Climatarians eat with the climate in mind choosing lower carbon options.
Your share of your home's CO2e burden depends on how many people live there. So share it.
Vintage is all the rage, and good for the climate.
Sharing is in vogue. Whether it's a room in your house, a seat in your car, the tools in your shed, your bike, your kayak. Sharing is the way to go.
The sheer weight of all the new things you buy for a new baby will give you an idea of the environmental impact.
Cutting down on water use in the home saves water and the energy used to process and deliver it.
When buying new things, avoid large volumes of metal or plastic whenever possible as they will be high in embedded CO2e.