Climates: a friendly network where people help each other tackle climate change. Meet new mates, get ideas for simple and effective things to do. Pledge to take action and watch your carbon savings grow.
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I was driving to France for the mid-term break with my normal car load of ski gear, humans, dogs and even a rabbit. We normally plough straight on, only stopping for fuel or a quick coffee, preferring to get the ten hour journey over as soon as possible. B
Biba Hartigan 18.02.2016 0 772

10th July 2015 Watch our one minute video and let us know how Climates can help you tackle climate change.
Climates admin 05.10.2015 0 610

1st July 2015 Today I went shopping.  Nothing unusual in that. Sometimes I drive, sometimes I walk, today I chose to cycle.  And by doing so I brought home so much more than the groceries. It was a bright day so cycling gave me a chance to get out in the
Climates admin 05.10.2015 0 638

24th June 2015 I’ll never cease to be inspired by the generosity of people posting ‘how to’ guides online. I’ve saved hundreds of pounds in computer training following online tutorial videos, (which thankfully are also available at 2am when you’re chasing
Climates admin 05.10.2015 0 639

    6th June 2015 ''We need angry grannies everywhere", Mary Robinson said at the annual Grantham Institute Lecture, about climate justice. But how powerful are angry grannies? And how can communicators like me help them get involved and active? Mary
Climates admin 05.10.2015 0 554

5th June 2015 I'm involved in setting up a new social network for climate change action. It's called Climates, with the emphasis firmly on ‘mates'. We're working from the premise that we're more likely to take action if we have mates who can motivate and
Climates admin 05.10.2015 0 580