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What type of green consumer are you - ‘Waitrose’, Willing or Won’t?

9th June 2015

John Cridland, CBE, Director General of the CBI, set out an optimistic vision for greening the whole UK economy last night in a speech at UCL’s Institute for Sustainable Resources.

While Cridland stressed the opportunities for government policy and business innovation to create the momentum urgently required to restrict climate change to 2oC, he sees a critical role for the consumer in implementing green measures. Cridland highlighted the potential to be found amongst 40% of the population. He cited 50% who will continue to behave as they always have whatever the green incentive, the ‘Waitrose’ 10% - early adopters needing no incentive, and the remaining 40% who are happy to do what they can so long as it is easy and affordable for them to do so.

When it comes to green consumption, where do you lie?  Are you part of the ‘Waitrose’10%, the Willing 40% or the Won’t 50%?

Climates is a new social network designed for the Willing 40%, creating a friendly space where ‘mates’ can show each other easy and economical ways to cut carbon and adapt to a changing world. Climates is for people who want to do something practical in the face of climate change. We believe that between us we have the solutions and a wealth of experience to share, making it so much easier when we tackle climate change together. 

Watch our video to find out more. Follow Climates on facebook and twitter:@ClimatesNetwork

Climates admin 29.09.2015 0 573
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