Climates: a friendly network where people help each other tackle climate change. Meet new mates, get ideas for simple and effective things to do. Pledge to take action and watch your carbon savings grow.

Today, the first truly global deal to limit climate change to below 2 degrees Celsius, with an aim of 1.5 degrees, was agreed at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris.

195 countries signed up to the deal to implement their pledged carbon cuts and ratchet up their commitment to further reductions every five years. While it is not yet strong enough to secure the future of low lying island nations, it is a good step in the right direction and the voices of the vulnerable have not been left unheard.

There is a huge amount of work to be done to move towards the 1.5 degree target. The closer we get, the safer the world. A fossil free world is a cleaner, less polluted, healthier world.

With today's commitment, businesses can engage in low carbon systems and technologies with renewed confidence. Individuals can take practical action on climate change in their own everyday lives knowing that their actions could make the difference between disappearance and survival for the most fragile nations in the world.

So let us do what we can and express our solidarity and care for the vulnerable by reducing our own personal climate impact.


Photo courtesy of Christopher Michel

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  •  Grainne Halligan: 

    While I've been doing what I can within financial constraints to keep my carbon footprint down, sometimes I've felt hopeless in the face of the immensity of climate change. But now, with this agreement I feel that my efforts will be properly backed up by governments for the first time and that what I do will make a difference. 

    Let's hope they now follow through and stick to their promises. It'll be up to us to make sure that they do. 

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