Climates: a friendly network where people help each other tackle climate change. Meet new mates, get ideas for simple and effective things to do. Pledge to take action and watch your carbon savings grow.


Frozen food has a higher energy use in transit, in the shops and in your home. 

Open freezers and chillers in shops waste an unnecessary amount of energy.

If you have a freezer bear in mind that it is more economical to run a full freezer than a largely empty one. When you need a new fridge or freezer, get the smallest size to meet your needs and the most energy efficient model possible. 

Food frozen soon after it is picked generally holds more of its nutritional value than fresh food stored for some time.  For instance, air freighted 'fresh' food may be many days old before it reaches the shops and will have lost much of its nutritional value. So balance what you eat and choose fresh, local seasonal produce as much as you can. 

It is difficult to quantify the carbon savings of some Actions. In this case we allocate a nominal CO2e per year. This is not reflective of the actual potential savings but to show that you are making a difference.  If possible we will provide representative calculations at a later date. 


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Carbon Savings
Total Carbon saved on this action 335 kg CO2e
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