Climates: a friendly network where people help each other tackle climate change. Meet new mates, get ideas for simple and effective things to do. Pledge to take action and watch your carbon savings grow.

Save up to 0.35 tonnes CO2e per year. 

Switching from the average (UK) car would save 0.35 tonnes CO2e per year with the (UK) average 1.5 mile journey to school. 

Switching from using the bus could save even more depending on the fleet, while if you switch from the train or underground your savings will be less but still significant. 


In the UK, 20% of rush hour traffic is caused by the school run. Got a longer journey? Join or set up a walking bus to your primary school.

In a walking bus, there’s an adult ‘driver’ at the front and adult ‘conductors’ accompanying the children along a set route, picking up additional children at specific ‘bus stops’ along the way.


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Carbon Savings
Total Carbon saved on this action 2918 kg CO2e
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